At The Auto Repair Place in Boulder, we understand that safety and driving comfort are largely dependent on car maintenance. Driving in the rain can be a hassle, especially if your car isn’t prepared.
Essentially, there are three things you can do to ease the burden of driving in the rain. Keep good quality windshield wipers installed, maintain a clean windshield, and regularly coat your windshield with Rain-X or comparable water-resistant chemicals. If applied properly, water resistant coatings will dramatically increase visibility in on rainy days. Quality windshield wipers, in good condition, are equally effective. If your wipers don’t completely wipe away water with each pass, get them replaced. Driving in the rain is hard enough; inadequate equipment to deal with the situation only makes it that much more difficult. A clean windshield also goes a long way...rain won’t wash off dirt which has had adequate time to adhere to your glass.
If you need new wipers or would like your windshield treated with a water-resistant coating, bring your car, truck, or SUV to The Auto Repair Place and let one of our experienced technicians get you fixed up. No matter your repair or maintenance needs, we’ve got you covered.
Thank you for visiting The Auto Repair Place in Boulder, CO. Count on our automotive repair technicians to keep your car, truck, suv, or van on the roads longer and safer.
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